30 Days Later

30 days later …

My body has given me the greatest gift of my life.

-Hillary Duff


I sit in a quiet room gazing into the eyes of my very own. The little boy who I’ve incubated for 9 ½ months is finally here and he’s all mine. As I sit staring in amazement, I can’t help but to reflect.

I really can’t believe it’s been 30. WHOLE. DAYS! 30 days ago, they released the, once, singular me from the hospital with my newest addition. They saw fit to allow me to walk through the doors of their safety net onto the other side …the real world … with child in hand. No nurses, no doctors, no lactation consultants. There would be no one coming to check on me every hour. There’d be no one to answer all of the questions that come up at 1:49 am or 7:04 pm. No one to help me breast feed. No one to take him to the nursery in the middle of the night if I just wanted sleep. It. Just. Got. Real.

30 days later, however, it’s not so bad. My nervousness has dissipated and I am in the thick of it. All of the stories of my mommy friends along with my research and classes I’ve attended prepared me for this moment. I’m excited to share the journey with you beyond these first 30 days. Stay tuned!


What They Don’t Tell You