
I couldn’t see it.

To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.
— Barbara Johnson

Me? Sprinting across the house as my one year old chases me?! Nah. Couldn’t picture that. A year ago, I was cuddling him in my arms during his every waking moment. I was, literally, staring into his face searching for something new that I had never noticed before. Here we are 365 days later and it feels like every day there is “something new.” I’m asking him if he wants milk or water. I’m pleading for him give back the marbles that he takes pleasure in slamming against my glass coffee table. I’m singing back up every time he hands me the microphone. He tells me “no” and I have just take it, meanwhile I’ll tell him “no” and his entire world comes crashing down. He hunches over and throws his face into his palms while falsely sobbing.  Who taught him that?

I really can’t believe how much time has passed and how quickly he’s reaching his developmental milestones. Im quite confused with all that he has learned to do and say in such a short span of time. 

The beauty in having a child is that as I’m raising him, he’s also raising me. I find that I’m so consumed with what he’s doing and how I can be the best assistant ever to him. Am I meeting his needs? Am I giving him all of the attention he deserves? Am I responding to him appropriately? Am I over planning on how we’ll spend our time together? I’m grateful to be present; thankful that I’m just so in tune that I don’t consume myself with what our future will look like because the present moment is so full and enjoyable!



