A Day In The Life with Jaz & Montana
A Day In The Life…
“A Day Off, Is It?!”
Waking up alarm free on a Saturday should feel so satisfying yet here I am waking up at 7:03am to use the bathroom. While in the bathroom, I immediately start thinking of my to do list..
“Should I start those report cards?”
“Or, do I try to get some lesson plans done?”
“On no, I still have to make headbands for someone!”
I go back to my room, look at my daughter sleeping peacefully and wish I can cuddle with her. Instead, I pray and thank god for another day, my family, home and all that he has blessed me with in life. Once I’m done, I attempt report cards because unfortunately the best time to get work done is while she is sleep and those 18 classes aren’t going to grade themselves. Half hour into working, I feel a gentle kick followed by a soft call “Mama.”
I quickly hide under the cover and wait for her to find me. When she does I give her a big hug and kiss, then greet her “Good Morning”. Then my mental mommy list begins...
“Do you need to use the bathroom?”
“Are you hungry”
“Let’s call Dada to say Good Morning”
“Would you like to watch a movie?”
She says yes to the movie and it’s not Moana (Thank God!), it’s Brave, or “the girl with orange hair” as she calls it. I go downstairs to make her some waffles. When I return, I’m surprised, she isn’t jumping on the bed. So I place the lap table in front of her so she can eat while she watches and I quickly return to my laptop to pick up where I left off. After completing one class, I’m annoyed. This is taking me forever. I think to myself, “There is no way I’m spending my entire morning doing this” “F-this shhh” “It will have to wait until I get back to work”.
Then I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror and without much thought I quickly hop in the shower to rinse and condition my hair. I’ve lost all patience with my curls after just two days loose so blowing it is less maintenance for me. When I’m almost done, my little one walks in and says “Mama, what chu doin?” so I turn the heat off and start to brush through her hair. I realize she missed me in the past 20 minutes. So I decide to get her ready for the day. I run her a bath so I can finish getting ready and try to straighten up the bedroom and bathroom.
Once we are all done, we go downstairs so she can play before dance class. While she plays I check my list of bills to pay, then start designing those headbands. Of course in the 30 minutes that took, my daughter has managed to get her toys all over the place. I really want to make her pick it up but the way she moves we’d be late to class so I quickly do it myself so we can leave. On the drive to class, I attempt to listen to music while she uses her I-pad, until she yells “Mama, it’s too loud”. What a great reminder that she is the ruler of my life, I think to myself and chuckle as I turn the volume down.
At dance, I finally get a chance to sit in peace and the only thing I really want to do is read! I started a book early January and still haven’t found consistent time to read so I’m barely half way through it. I get a few pages in and here comes my little one asking to use the bathroom. On the way out, I notice two other whiny toddlers going back and forth. Not long after I get back into my seat and the teacher has those two girls step out so their parents can sort it out. All this crying and parents bribing is such a distraction but all I can think is “Thank God, it’s not my child”. After that ordeal I manage to get some more reading in despite all the parent conversations that keep rambling on around me.
After class, I remember we have to get crickets for our lizard on the way home. She loves that lizard so she has no complaints to go. In facts, I hope I can get her out of there quick because we have to go home and change quickly for my mother’s birthday dinner. We manage to get out of there within 15 minutes after looking at the fish, turtles and hamsters. She loves animals and to my amazement she tells me how much fun that was as I strap her in the car seat and I can’t help but smile.
We got home and changed quickly not to keep everyone waiting plus we had a reservation. I picked up my nephew on the way to the restaurant and my daughter was ecstatic just looking at him from the window. It’s so nice to have everyone together in one room since we don’t get to do it as often since my cousin moved upstate. All this catching up is making me so hungry, and this place is packed! Two hours had passed and we still didn’t get our food. All I could think of was the HW I still had to do for my class in the morning, and do my husband’s hair when we got home. After an hour we ate, sang happy birthday and headed home.
She fell asleep in the car which is always great because it lets us get everything we need to get done more quickly. I change her into her pjs, get his hair done, and complete my assignment. I’m left feeling exhausted. Today is not how I use to spend my days off before being a mom. Those days I slept in late, laid around watching TV, getting my hair or nails done; maybe even some shopping with friends. But not anymore, instead I managed to get a few things crossed off my to-do list and that is satisfying enough for me. My child was fed, entertained, and most importantly loved throughout the day and that’s what counts. Having tiny moments to myself like reading for 15 minutes or showering alone are the sacrifice I would give every day to be her mother.
Until my next work day, I mean day off
Peace and Love, JaZ ( insert deuces here)