A Day In The Life by Shaina

A day in the life...


It’s Monday morning! My sleep was ummm , okay I guess. I woke up about 5xs for my baby boys routine feedings throughout the night, which means I’m SUPER tired. I’m also falling off the bed because my 7 month old refuses to sleep in his own bed, but this is life now. My alarm clock goes off at 7 am, despite me still being on maternity leave. I still have daily responsibilities that need to be taken care of. I jump up, ( of-course as soon as I move my body, it’s like my son senses it in his sleep and wakes up too), I quickly change baby boys pamper, give him a bunch of kisses and grab my sidekick so we can get a start on the day.

I put my son in his walker because this is the only way I can get anything done. It Takes me about 15 minutes to get my 8 year old up. I’m making  his breakfast, preparing his school lunch, while getting my toes continuously ran over by my 7 month old, that moves in every single direction I do, with his walker. Ok, so breakfast done! Lunch made and packed, I’m picking out school clothes, all while trying to assure I get my 8 year old out the door by 7:50 am for him to catch his bus.

DONE! Now, maybe I can relax? Negative. On a regular, my 7 month old spends a good amount of time crying because he’s teething, so I dedicate my mornings to talking to him, reading to him, making him laugh, you know...fully being in the present moment. Maybe if I’m lucky I can squeeze in making breakfast for myself in between changing dirty diapers. MAYBE. Oops it’s 11:30, and I literally haven’t gotten the million other things done that I planned on like laundry, vacuuming the floor so my son can crawl, cleaning the bathrooms and bedrooms and maybe getting a quick work out in. 

I try to put my son to sleep, which has been a huge task as of lately. If I’m lucky he’ll sleep for about one hour tops, and I can throw a work out video on and get some cardio in. Of course, as soon as I get into it...he wakes up crying. BACK TO HIS TIME. Feeding, more dirty diapers, crying, you know ? All the beautiful joys of motherhood. Only thing is now it’s 1:00 pm and my 8 year old gets home at 3:30. Might as well start dinner right? Yeah. I whip something up, with my son in one hand, because by now he’s over the walker. Once I’m complete, I try to get in the rest of the house work that I try to commit myself to daily. Before you know it’s, 3:30pm. Between, tending to an 8 year old, 7 month old and my own personal needs, I’m actually tired. HW TIME, social time and, eventually, my partner comes in from a long day of work. We have “ family time” and talk about our days.

By about 6:30pm, I’m getting my 7 month old, bathed and ready for bed, while my partner takes over for the needs of our 8 year old.  At roughly 7:30 pm, my baby boy is sleep, and our 8 year old is getting settled in for bed at 8 pm. At this point, what SHOULD be mommy/daddy time, turns into a recap of our day with a few yawns in between. Eventually, the only thing on my mind is going to bed for the night, until my baby boy wakes up for his first nightly feedings. Did I eat? Little nibbles here and there. Did I fold those clothes? Probably not. Did I get that work out in? Maybe 20 minutes worth. 🤷🏾‍♀️ but my family is well and taken care of until the next feeding time 🤩


A Day In The Life With Sonia and AJ


Mommy of Four