Mommy of Four


A typical day for me starts between 5 a.m.-5:30 a.m. I get up, shower, get dressed, then I wake up all of the girls. Surprisingly my twins are the easiest and happiest of the bunch to wake up. The older two, on the other hand, forget about it. Around 6:45 after we finally get it together, my girls and I are out of the door. First drop-off are the older girls, school starts at 7:10 and I’m usually there as soon as the door opens. Next are the twins. 7:45 they walk happily into daycare and begin their day. Finally I’m off to school and enjoy my small amount of “me” time while in the car. After school is over at 3 p.m., I begin my pick-up. By 3:45 I get the twins, reach the older girls by 4:20 and we’re home by 4:45. Now the fun begins lol. After we all unwind, it’s time to make dinner, do homework and make sure everyone is fed and bathed. And this all gets done by 8ish. And we all fall asleep around 8:30 and begin the crazy schedule all over in the next day. And as tired and drained as I am, I wouldn’t change any of this.


A Day In The Life by Shaina


The Working Momma