One Thing I’ve Learned

“What’s your peak and pit of the week?“

We do not grow in isolation. We grow in community
— Dr. AR Bernard

It’s the question that grounds me every Friday afternoon. Whether it was during our physical meeting where we all sat in a circle of the familiar or whether we sat on the other side of our computer, tablet and iPhone screens during our Zoom meeting mulling over the question before hesitantly volunteering to be the first to respond. Each person that shares has an array of experiences to share, from husbands needing step by step manuals to this co-parenting thing, to baby milestones, to “wow! Your baby is sleeping at night?!”

From fears of going back to work, to the struggles of breastfeeding, to finding your voice … and the list goes on. The conversations we have in this group are sacred to me. Their sacredness leads me to these meetings each week. I find peace in being able to share common experiences and advice with the other new moms in this circle.

This circle of women that I sit with weekly keep me together. It’s them and the friends that I have who just so happen to be moms.

If there was one thing I’ve learned, that would be to find a solid community of mommy friends who you can support and who can support you as well. This journey is filled with learning opportunities at each and every turn and it’s nice to have some mommas standing on the side lines of your personal journey to cheer you on, offer you a tissue or five, offer a shoulder or an ear and lug in case loads of advice.




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